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The Comforter Whispers Softly

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."

1 Corinthians 15:55-58

As I sat in prayer this morning, tears came quietly as I thought about my buddy, Brad. Today is his birthday. He would be 47 this year. It is still so hard to believe that he is not here. I want to pick up the phone and give him a call in the worst way. I want to hear his voice; talk about deep spiritual things, and together miss Papa, just like we used to do. It is just no longer possible on this side of heaven.

I can picture his face and hear his voice, clear as day. Tears come softly, followed by a gentle rush of peace. A Peace sweeps over me, a peace so deep that it silences my tears and cuts away my pain. The Comforter comes softly. He reminds me that Brad is not gone. He lifts my heart and whispers...He is only gone from your eyes.

Heaven feels near.

Once again, it is a dance of trust. A process of learning to let him go and to continue on. Not fully letting go, yet not clinging to what is passed. Accepting that he is home. His work is done, ours is not. We must continue to live out our calling with the hope of what is to come. Living out the purpose God has for us with joy and trust, day by day. My last words to Brad on this earth came in the form of a letter. Written words come so much easier for me than the spoken ones do. I share the words of this letter below with the desire that they will fill your heart with the hope of heaven and the joy that is to come.

Dear Brad,

Here we are on a road that we could not have fathomed as we ran and played together in fields of green on Otter Lake Road. So young, so free and so blessed were we.

Those were the golden years; we hauled wood, played in the sand box, and drank from the garden hose. Together we carved pumpkins, pulled weeds, and took tractor rides. We were so young and so untouched by the pain of this world. The sky was deep blue and the bright yellow sunset shone through the kitchen window as we gathered at the table to feast on garden grown veggies, roast beef, and Papa's homemade buns. Together we laughed and together we grew. You were my little buddy, the best little buddy I could have asked for. These moments that we shared are some of the best of my life. We were so young, so free and so untouched by the pain of this world.

Then came the day that we all moved out of this little heavenly home. We all went different directions...some west, some east and some south. This is the day that my world went dark for a while. Suddenly, I tasted deep pain for the first time in my life; an emptiness and loneliness that I had never experienced. It was my first lesson in loss and letting go. All at once, my youth was gone, and my heart was broken. I think that you experienced this too, Little Buddy, only you were too young to comprehend it, name it, or understand it. Honestly, I was too.

As a result, we both went through some hard teenage years. By God's grace, we both recovered and turned around. Our roots went deep into the soil of love on Otter Lake Road. These roots are what held us through those stormy teenage years. Love goes deep, love builds us, and love carries us home; home to Otter Lake Road.

Now here we are on this path that we never could have imagined. A path that no words can describe. Yet, there is a peace and there is a hope because the truth is, we are all just heading home; home to Otter Lake Road. Home to where the pain of this world can never touch us again. Together we will gather, together we will laugh and live in a love that these earthly hearts can't grasp. I can't wait to run with you through fields, not of green, but of gold with diamonds and colors that we have never seen! I can't wait to feast at the table, together again, far from the pain of this world. I can't wait to fish in oceans of blue, and I can't wait to feel the joy, the love, and the belonging that our hearts were made for.

Go on ahead, Little Buddy, return to your youth and be set free. We won't be too far behind and we will keep you forever in our hearts until we are all gathered home; home on Otter Lake Road.

"The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18


Heavenly Father, God of all comfort,

When our hearts grow heavy with pain, wrap Your loving arms around us and fill our minds with the hope of heaven. Fix our minds on things above. Lift us up from the muck and mire that threatens to pull us down into depths of sadness. We don't have to grieve like the world does. We have so much waiting for us, and it is just ahead. We surrender in trust as You lead and guide us. You have plans for us and our work is not done. Show us Your purpose and plan for our lives. Help us to live out the callings that You have given each and every one of us. In Jesus Mighty Name

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