Simple Life
calm is calling
Learn to live a life of calm, free of fear, and find joy.
A Blog For your Heart & Soul
Welcome to a space where calm is calling.
I am delighted you are here.
Hello. My name is Carolyn. My heart's desire is for you to find encouragement, hope and joy as you enter into this space of calm. I am so glad that you decided to stop by. Grab your favorite beverage and take some time to enjoy scrolling through this site. I pray that you discover some wisdom, hear God whispering to you, and encounter a new friend to join you on your journey.
Do you struggle with fear? ~ me too.
Do you long for a friend to speak hope and life into your weary soul? ~who doesn't, right?
Do you struggle to set aside time for your morning quiet time? ~don't we all at times?
Do you long to live a more simple, less busy life? ~I do.
Does your home feel unorganized and cluttered? ~mine sure does from time to time.
My purpose here is help you, my fellow faith filled friend to grow in your relationship with the Lord Jesus and to help you create more calm in your home, life and family.
My plan is to fill this blog with devotionals and posts to encourage your heart; empower you with helpful tips to bring more calm to your heart, home and life; and to provide things to help you build a life of faith that brings glory to God.
Come on along with me and let's journey on toward a life of quiet strength and trust.