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Heart's Cry for America

As we celebrate the birth of our nation, cry out to God with me for His hand to be upon us to steady us and hold us as the winds of adversity continue to blow.

Heavenly Father,

With united and contrite hearts we cry out to you for our nation. We have wandered and strayed from You. We have been busy with our own lives and have gazed for too long at the things of this world. Fix our eyes on You, Lord, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Forgive us and heal our land. We humble ourselves under Your mighty hand and ask that You would lift up our heads and give us eyes to see You better and hearts to seek first Your kingdom!

Thank you for the monumental movement of Your hand to overturn Roe this last week. All glory to You! Thank you for the ways that You are rescuing our most precious gifts, our children.

Hover Holy Spirit over this nation that was established by You not so very long ago. As we celebrate this 4th of July may we do so in humility knowing that only by Your grace do we stand.

We ask for You to strike down every evil that has risen against us. Destroy every evil mandate that has reared itself against us to rob us of our God given freedom. Restore everything that has been broken in our nation. No weapon formed against can prosper. Heal the broken, bind up the wounded, and heal the sick. Pour out Your grace and favor as we turn our hearts toward You.

Bring down the evil empires across the earth with a swipe of Your hand. Nothing is too hard for You! Disrupt the plots and plans for evil and show us our position in the battle. Steady us and ready us to go wherever You lead and to engage whenever You call us to do so.

Please provide for us in the coming days as food shortages abound. Please prepare us and give us wisdom. Increase our gratitude as the store shelves become bare. Teach us to use what we have so very well and to be thankful. Open our hands to share and give freely wherever it is needed.

Build our faith and deepen our trust. Go before us, behind us, and surround us each day, Lord. Let us not grow weary in doing good.

Thy kingdom come and thy will be done!

In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray, Amen

Blessings of peace and hope on You this 4th of July!

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