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Broken Spirit, Pure Heart

During this month of June as "Pride" is celebrated across our nation, God calls for broken hearts.

The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit.

You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God. ~Psalm 51:17

The world screams, Pride. The Holy Spirit whispers, humility.


The Holy Spirit whispers, I am all that you really need.

The world taunts lust, secret sin and pleasure.

The Holy Spirit beckons that freedom is only found in a heart that is pure.

The world will make you it's slave if you let it, but the Lord will set you free if you let him.

The wind rustles in the leaves, the flowers show off their beauty without a word, and the mountains stand mighty and majestic in silence.

Sit quiet before the Lord for a moment and let His Spirit wash over you. Turn your eyes to Him and away from the things of this world. Give up everything for Him and watch Him give you everything in return. Not as the world gives though. His gifts go deeper and are richer than anything this world could ever offer.

The high and lofty one who lives in eternity, the Holy One, says this: “I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts. ~Isaiah 57:15

Choose this day whom you will serve.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." ~Joshua 24:15

God chooses the weak, the lowly and the humble…EVERY TIME.

Joseph - the youngest son to save his family from famine.

David - the lowly shepherd boy to slay the giant.

Mary - the unknown, young teenage girl to be the mother of Jesus.

We can chase after the things of this world. We can clamor for more. We can build our kingdom here on this earth and we can March with Pride. But, pride goes before a fall and the things of this world are meaningless, empty and void without Christ.

Pray with me...

Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your whispering voice. A voice so gentle and sweet. Speak to our hearts and wash away all of our sin. Let "more of You and less of me" be our heart's cry. Fill us fresh, Holy Spirit. Pour out of us all that You are pouring in. Awaken America to the truth of Who YOU are! Cast down the lies and deceptions. Reveal the path of life to those who are deceived. Reach low and save those who are broken and crushed in spirit. Turn eyes away from worthless things and toward You instead. Purify our hearts and purify our lives. Set us ablaze with Your Holy Fire. Use us to bring You glory as thy kingdom comes! In Jesus Name

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